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Sticking with it! How to make the right decisions when changing your lifestyle.
I honestly got tired of saying to myself over and over again, “I gotta loose weight!” I was exhausted with trying on clothing that was tight and didn’t fit the way it should. I was done with it. Ask your self, do you listen to your inner “self”? Are you tired of arguing and debating with those voices if you should eat that, and then feeling guilty when you make a bad food choice? Stop listening to those voices! Start to say to yourself, “I can do this!”, “I am success and can be with this too!”
What I eat in a day? Three to four days a week I fast in the morning, with a Bullet Proof Coffee.
This is a coffee with 1 tbsp of MCT Oil, 1 Tbsp butter, and I add in Turmeric, Nutmeg and Cinnamon. It can get you through to lunch and has 26g of fat and is only 232 calories. Most recipes call for double the MCT and butter, however, I don’t feel you require it, if you are keeping your fat up throughout the day.
I work in a seniors community, it is very hard to ignore the homemade cookies and delicious home cooked meals that often makes the community smell incredible! But, I have great willpower and do say no! Once in a while I do cave and agree to try something. You need to have a little leeway with yourself.
For lunch, I usually make myself a box lunch, with a hard boiled egg, 1/2 avocado, 5 olives, almonds (usually for my snack), celery and 2 pieces of sliced turkey lunch meat. This equates to 379 calories and 26.5G of fat.
For dinner, I finish off with a keto friendly meal. Such as Keto tacos. I made this just recently! On top of all this amazing food, I also exercise! I spin, I do yoga and TRX at home. I make it easy to workout. I keep track of my weight on a regular basis, with the help of a chalk board calendar. This helps keep me on track and see the progression right away!
So in the end how to stick with a new healthy lifestyle? Have a plan, stop listening to your inner critical voice, and keep going strong! Take support from others, you’ve got this! Every choice in the day you make is important. If you want to learn more about what you can eat or how your can loose weight or just feel and look healthier, you can always reach out and I can help guide you.
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